User:Andreas Plank/CETAF Identifier Levels

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Following conditions have to be met to reach the corresponding implementation levels (if only an identifier is chosen this would be Level 0 ;-)
Level 1 … → Level 2 → Level 3

you assigned a stable URI to each object of your collection, which will be never changed and preferably follows the best practices for stable URIs

there exists a human-readable representation (web-page) for each of your collection objects

a user trying to access a collection object by typing the stable URI of it into a web-browser will be redirected to the human-readable representation (web-page) of the object (you can test this by using the CETAF URI Tester)

you reached Level 1

there exists a machine-readable RDF metadata record for each of your collection objects

a machine trying to access a collection object via its identifier with application/rdf+xml header will be redirected to the objects machine-readable RDF metadata record (you can test this by using the CETAF URI Tester)

you reached Level 2

the machine-readable RDF metadata record of each of your collection objects encodes application specific data (e.g. is compliant to the CETAF Specimen Preview Profile—CSPP)

Level 2

On top of level 1 sending the same CETAF URI a header 'application/rdf+xml' will return a machine readable RDF metadata record for each of your collection objects.

Level 1

You assigned a stable URI to each object of your collection, which will be never changed and preferably follows the best practices for stable URIs

✓ ─ CETAF ID ────┐   ✓ ─ Collection Object ─┐
│ (stable URI)   → → →                      │
└────────────────┘   └──────────────────────┘

There exists a human-readable representation (web-page) for each of your collection objects

✓ ─ Web Page ──────┐
│ (human readable) │

A user trying to access a collection object by typing the stable URI of it into a web-browser will be redirected to the human-readable representation (web-page) of the object (you can test this by using the CETAF URI Tester)

✓ ─ CETAF ID ───┐           ✓ ─ Web Page ──────┐
│ (stable URI)  → redirect →  (human readable) │
└───────────────┘           └──────────────────┘
   ↕ is assigned
✓ ─ Collection Object ─┐
│                      │