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Linking IIIF Manifest to CETAF ID Metadata

The RDF metadata provided by the CETAF ID can be linked to in the same way as the catalogue page.

  "seeAlso": [
      "id": "https://data.rbge.org.uk/herb/E00588402#rdf",
      "type": "Dataset",
      "label": {
        "en": [
          "Specimen description in RDF XML."
      "format": "application/rdf+xml"

Recommendation: If you implement CETAF IDs at Level 2 or above include a seeAlso resource in the Manifest resource for the specimen. Set the type property to “Dataset” and the format to “application/rdf+xml”. Append the anchor #rdf to the end of the URI.

Recommendation: Include an English language label for the link plus labels in as many other languages as appropriate for the collections location.

Caution: The IIIF Presentation API requires each seeAlso id to be unique but CETAF IDs use content negotiation to provide the same data in multiple formats for a single URI. It is therefore necessary to create multiple unique URIs based on the CETAF IDs to express multiple formats in IIIF. Fortunately this can be achieved simply appending an # anchor to the end of the URIs. This is safe because the CETAF URI will not already contain an anchor (the specification stipulates not to include one) and the server will ignore any anchor when the URI is resolved. Meanwhile the URIs will appear as unique to software consuming the IIIF Manifest.

Linking CETAF ID Metadata to IIIF Manifest

We need a way to indicate to a machine that is ingesting CETAF ID metadata that there is a IIIF resource associated with the specimen being described. We do this by creating a typed link using the Dublin Core Relation property. This conceptually is very similar to the way the IIIF manifests use the seeAlso link. We describe an RDF resource that has the id of the IIIF Manifest URI and specify that the type of this resource is a IIIF manifest and the format is JSON-LD. It is possible to include any number of application specific properties here should that be necessary. The default example in the CETAF URI tester has a live example of how this is done.

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="https://iiif.rbge.org.uk/herb/iiif/E00421509/manifest">
   <dc:identifier rdf:resource="https://iiif.rbge.org.uk/herb/iiif/E00421509/manifest"/>
   <dc:type rdf:resource="http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3#Manifest"/>
   <dc:subject rdf:resource="https://data.rbge.org.uk/herb/E00421509"/>
   <dc:description xml:lang="en">A IIIF resource for this specimen.</dc:description>

RDF Model of typed link to IIIF Manifest

Recommendation: If you publish RDF metadata for your specimens include a dc:relation property that describes the IIIF Manifest with the dc:type http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3#Manifest and the dc:format application/ld+json

Recommendation: Include an English language dc:description property in your rdf:Description plus dc:descriptions in as many other languages as are appropriate.

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